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Acne (Pimples)& Acne Scars


Skin is considered as the largest organ of the human body. The muscles, bones and the organs are protected by this outer covering. It is this delicate layer that holds everything together so as to give the human body the required shape. The significance of skin, therefore, needs no further explanation. Being the part that is in contact with the outer atmosphere, the skin is susceptible to many disorders. Acne is one of the disorders that affect the skin.

Acne is medically referred to as Acne Vulgaris. This disorder is commonly referred to as pimples. The condition is commonly seen in body portions like neck, face, back, shoulders and neck.

Signs & symptoms

Acne is characterized by several signs & symptoms. The most common symptom is the formation of lesions. These lesions can be either of inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature. The most frequently seen non-inflammatory lesion is 'comedone'. They occur either as whiteheads or blackheads. Blackheads are comedones that are open to the skin surface. They appear darker due to the 'plug of the hair follicles'. When comedones are closed, they appear as lumps that are skin-coloured. These are called whiteheads.

The following are the inflammatory lesions common in acne:
  • Pustules: Usually referred to as pimples, they are tender & red bumps. These are characterized by the deposit of white pus on their tip.
  • Papules: They may be red & tender. This can indicate infection or inflammation in the hair follicles.
  • Cysts: They are lumps that are usually filled with pus. They can be painful at times.
  • Nodules: These are painful bumps in the underlying skin surfaces.


There are 4 main factors that results in acne formation are:
  • Excessive oil (sebum) production in the concerned area.
  • Patchy cell differentiation
  • Hormonal influences.
  • Bacterial proliferation.

Risk factors

The main risk factors for acne formation are as follows:
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Oily skin type
  • Improper skin care routine
  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Stress

The diagnosis of acne is relatively simple since the symptoms are very much visible. If acne are not treated in time these can lead to scarring of the affected area. There are many types of acne scars like box scars and ice pick scars.


Acne can be treated in many ways. The treatment method depends upon various factors like patient's medical history, extend of the disease etc. The major types of treatments for acne scars are as follows:

  • Medical treatment: A vast variety of medicines are available for application and oral intake depending on the grade of acne. The commonly used medicines include retinoids, benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics. Oral isotretinoin is a wonder drug for severe acne but this can be taken only under doctor supervision.
  • Chemical peels: These are fruit acids which cause mild tingling sensation when applied on skin. These help in oil control, decreasing the number of acne and improving the skin texture and tone. These can be repeated fortnightly.
  • Soft tissue fillers: The commonly used fillers these days are the hyaluronic acid fillers. These are the same substance as the eye lens which is used after a cataract surgery. Extremely safe and have long lasting effects for treatment of scars.
  • Microdermabrasion: It is the process by which dead skin and scars can be removed in a controlled manner. It leaves your skin feeling soft and oil free.
  • Intense Pulse Light: IPL (Intense Pulsed light) is a light system which works very affectively on inflamed acne. It also helps to decrease the acne scars.
  • Dermaroller / microneedling: This is a very effective treatment for deep acne scars with little or no downtime.
  • Fractional CO2 laser: This is considered to be one of the most effective treatments for all kinds of acne scars.There can be redness or mild scarring over the face for 2-4 days after the procedure.


The tips below are helpful in preventing acne:
  • Wash areas that are prone to acne twice a day.
  • Use gels or creams that can remove the excess oil.
  • Minimizing the use of make-up.
  • Showering after having strenuous work.
  • Avoid touching your acne.
  • Avoid scrubs and massages over the affected area.
  • If lesions do not improve do see your skin specialist and find the right treatment.

Acne is certainly disorder that can be effectively prevented and cured. The only requirement is that persons should adopt the proper preventive & treatment steps at the right time!

Pimples are indeed not life threatening disorders. However, they have some psychological effects due to which they are to be treated properly!

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